1. The Fitness Guru

Who knew that being healthy would be so trendy. Selfies in the gym mirror showing off the ‘gains’ and the latest pair of Nike Free Run shoes and pictures of smoothies and lush salads in which kale and quinoa are featured un-ironically. These people are healthier and fitter than the rest of us, and they will let us know. But don’t worry, they are kind enough to caption their workout and diet regimes along with “fitspiration” quotes. EAT SLEEP GYM REPEAT
2. The Party Animal

A club logo in the bottom right corner, glasses or red cups of vodka-somethings in hand, and friends hanging off every shoulder. All of these features have become a permanent fixture in this persons Instagram posts. This person is partying hard and partying frequently, and needs us to know what a great time they are having. And don’t worry, if they didn’t get a photo at the club or at the party, you bet they will be posting a bathroom selfie, drink in hand, caption with something like ‘pre-munt’. It’s inevitable.
3. The Pet Lover

It learnt a new trick? It got a new jacket? It fell asleep in a funny position? They took it for a walk? It curled up next to you? It’s its birthday? It’s national pet day? There’s a post for that. Actually, when you think about it, the same can be said for people with babies.
4. The Text Poster

Rarely will you find a photo of this person’s actual life, of them doing something fun or seeing something cool. You will, however, witness Ghandi 2.0 in action. Inspirational quotes written in calligraphy (or more accurately, fancy, swooshy writing) are posted by these people just to let you know that ‘things get better’ or ‘you can do anything you want to if you put your mind do it’.
5. The Traveler

6. The Foodie

They seem to always have the most delicious food in all the land at every meal. They are hitting up the most popular and trendy restaurants or serving up dishes that are way beyond what their 19 year old capabilities should allow. In a nutshell, each post makes us hopeful that we will one day experience these great foods, jealous that we are not, and angry that we probably never will.
7. The Selfie King/Queen

It speaks for itself. You are never going to forget this frequently uploaded face.
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