Thursday, 24 September 2015

The 7 Types of People You See at a House Party

1.       The Photographer

 Don’t worry if you go a bit overboard on the bourbon and cokes and can’t remember most of the night, this person’s 300 second snapchat story or 14 Instagram posts will remind you (whether you want it to or not). This person spends half the night with their eye on their phone and gathering people together for group photos to prove to everyone that their night has been better than yours.

2.       The Gamer

Before the party has even started, this person has set up beer pong and king’s cup before the party has even started. They can’t relax and have a drink without making a competition out of it. They spend half the night rallying teammates and explaining all the rules that they play by, because if you aren’t playing their way, are you even playing at all?

3.       The Dancer

Good luck having a conversation with this person at any point in the night. This person must have Red Bull flowing through their veins because from the moment the music starts until that last bass drop they are dancing, and dancing hard.

4.     The Emotional Rollercoaster

Think of all of the Emoji’s, now slap each of these on someone’s face within the space of 4 hours. Highs and lows, laughs and cries, this person will show it all. One drink can be the difference between dancing the night away, and crying about dropping a sausage roll on the floor because ‘it deserved so much better’.

5.       The Flirt

What are these standards you speak of? This person will hit on anything and everything at the party, whether it is well received or not. Every glance across the party is a search for the latest target (or maybe victim is the most appropriate term).

6.       The Smoker

These types of people often congregate in groups a couple meters away from the meat of the party, mostly because they respect the other party goers’ wishes to not inhale all the second hand smoke they puff out of their bodies.

7.       The Deso

The designated driver is taking one for the team, saving a few lives and a few long, drunk walks back home. This person is the hero of the night. 

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