1. The Love Birds
They intermittently sway, and kiss, sway and kiss, sway and kiss, until you want to kill them.Theres really no reason why they would pay 30 bucks to stand in a crowded, public place and make-out instead of just doing it at home with an album playing.
2. The Hardcore Fans
You've seen them. Usually standing at the very front fence, drowning in their own sweat and tears, and singing every last lyrics as if it was their last. You certainly do no want to something other than singing or talking about the artist performance around these guys. It's the greatest night of their lives
3. The Moshing Maniac
It doesn't matter how soft, hard, mellow or melodic the songs are, this person will throw every single body movement in the air when a single drumbeat has dropped. Others around them will seem either frightened aroused, or humoured by their actions, the moshing maniac will eventually stand all alone in the centre of a circle filled with annoyed concert goers. Mad respect.
4. The Lyric Pretender
These guys have an essential skill. They’re singing along to every song, but when you look closer, you start to realise that they’re lips don’t match the words. Clearly passionate about the artist, but just falling short in their musical knowledge. It's all good rookies.
5. The Injured Person

Cannot last a full concert night without getting help from the security guards or the first-aid team. Either Dehydrated or claustrophobic, you will not fail to come across these moshing amateurs once or twice in the night.
6. The Giants

No matter what type of concert you're at, you'll always have to deal with the tallest people you have ever seen in your entire life, and they will always find a way to be standing right in front of you. Our kind regards goes out to any 5ft concert heads, you will always have our love and support.
7. The Cameraman
Whether the star performer is playing their hit song, or the artist as officlally let the stage and the lights are out, this person will refuse to stop to waving his smartphone in the air and record all 2 hrs of the concert. The noble camera person is willing to sacrifice his own viewing experience, and the experience of the real life people around him, so the 15 people on youtube who will watch his video can relive the whole life changing experience. 'Life changing experience' as in a pixelated mess that sounds like a dying dolphin in a classroom of kids, scratching the chalkboard.
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