Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The 7 Types of People You'll See on Snapchat, Pt. 2!

Snapchat is the new Facebook for the current generations, everyone seems to be using it! It is therefore pretty easy for us to draw upon an additional 7 types of people from this large pool of Gen Y's and Gen Z's! You've probably at some point in time come across:

1. The Punny One
2. The Complainer
3. The One Who Loves Shoes
4. The Snap-artist
5. The Driver 
6. The Foodie 

and last but not least, 

7. The Filter Lover!

Have you witnessed these 7 types in action and can you identify what the people in your friends-list come under? Are there an additional 7 Types Of Snapchatters that you can think of which warrant a Pt. 3 post? Let us into your ideas and thoughts in the comments section below! 

Our team's contributions
Each member of our team has filmed themselves as one or two archetypes of what we believe people on Snapchat to be like, through using their very own Snapchat accounts! Our team member Lara has then gathered all the videos and edited the Snapchat films into a sequence. She has used additional film editing tecnhiques including adding captions, voiceovers, and background music with the relevant CC licensing.

[Question 2 (from original Part. 1 of the assignment)]
((The video in our last blog post will be the 7 Types of People You Find on Snapchat Part II, including the Adventurist, The Puniest, The Artist, The Snap Driver, The Complainer, The Foodie and The Filter Lover. It is a continuation of an existing post on our blog, the 7 Types of People on Snapchat. Due to the nature of our blog, 7 different types of snapchatters had to be chosen and allocated to the four members of our group, Erin, Lara, Jordin and Rebekah.
The Adventurist and The Filter Lover were taken on by Lara who filmed and captured snaps through the eyes of someone who lives on the edge and experiences the greatest adventures life has to offer. She also captured the snaps of the person who just can’t send a snapchat without trying every filter to make sure their snap looks the best it possibly can. Jordin filmed the snaps of The Artist who loves to show off his works of art. He also captured the snaps of The Complainer who can’t go a day without letting his fellow snapchatters know the parts of the day he didn’t enjoy. Rebekah portrayed The Puniest and The Foodie types of snapchatters who enjoy documenting each meal of the day and sharing the lamest puns they can think of. The last type of person on snapchat was The Snap Driver which was depicted by Erin showing how these snapchatters handle other drivers, bad traffic and everything you encounter while in the car.

All the footage for each character was filmed by means of the snapchat app using the captions and filters within snapchat and the final video was edited by Lara. Each group member has contributed evenly sharing the filming, producing and acting throughout the whole video, by taking on a particular snapchat character and going about our daily lives snapchatting through the eyes of the 7 Types of People You Find on Snapchat Part II.))

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